
Сообщения за декабрь, 2020

Christmas BMoney Giveaway

I invented a way of creating REALLY  I N F I N I T E FLOW OF CHARITY  I AM DYING OF HUNGER BUT WANT TO HELP THE WORLD by launching unprecedented INFINITE(!) CHARITY PROJECT Christmas BMoney Giveaway! My friends call me Magician for my IMPOSSIBLE actions. And that's the case now! I CURRENTLY HAVE NOTHING: No FOOD, No HOME, No JOB, but discovered it's not required to have anything for becoming a DONATOR for the CHARITY!!! Being at the moment between LIFE and DEATH WITHOUT $ I invented the unique way of attracting SUPER SPONSORS, flow of charity of which will pass through me, middleman, to those in similar situations! TO MILLIONS OF THEM!!! I want to be a Donator! I want to make gifts to people just to see joy in their eyes!!! And help them to SURVIVE! URGENTLY! The idea is simple: Donators will donate me - and I will donate those in need! But why sponsors will need me? That's the main secret of the unique "technology" I i...